Encryption is the science of hiding information using an algorithm known as cipher.

I was trying out a simple xor encryption cipher.
The principle of any encryption is that the original text should not be available by backtracking.
The truth table for xor is given by :
As we can see here for no given output we can trace what the input is. Even when the outputs are true we cannot know the order of the inputs. This is used by employing a certain text called key to encrypt the text. The key is ex-ored with the text and the output is the encrypted text.
An advantage of this process is that ex-or is symmetric i.e. ex-oring the encrypted code with the key will give us the text again. This means that the same algorithm can be used for decryption as well!
Although this algorithm is simple and computationally easy this has drawbacks.
As the algorithm is symmetric decryption is a simple process. And repeated patterns will generate the same encrypted text. This makes it easy to get the key. Therefore this encryption should only be used for non-critical documents.
  • About Me

    A 20yr old dude with an appetite for knowledge and ambition to be different. Currently doing engineering and working on C,C++, Java ,Photoshop and learning ASP.NET, C# and SQL
