Ive been busy with Internet marketing!
Hey guys
Looks like these days I've found a new craze - Internet Marketing (IM). Google should tell you exactly what this is. Let me go down do the business end directly, this does require quite a bit of technical skill and street smarts to do well. Ive been experimenting and this had paid off pretty well , Literally! I've made 240$ in the first month! not at all bad considering I'm a noob to this field. I continue to learn everyday and hope that I continue to get a steady stream of income from this. Subscribe to know more bout how this new craze of mine!
1 Response
  1. allen Says:

    Well done Rammbhat. Internet marketing is indeed great.. It can be profitable if you learn how to do it. It does require hard work though. But you will win if you work consistently. Try different products, and don't stop if something doesn't seem to work. And good luck on your new cb userbar project!
    Internet Business

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  • About Me

    A 20yr old dude with an appetite for knowledge and ambition to be different. Currently doing engineering and working on C,C++, Java ,Photoshop and learning ASP.NET, C# and SQL
